
Thursday, 23 July 2015

Advantages of studying in mapoly to other schools

Good day my fellow Mapaites.. I apologize for not posting any articles on your favorite blog.

Highlights of studying in mapoly as a Mapaite..

1) we Mapaite are trained to sustain in any kind of weather condition; we struggle on the queue every day, just imagine me struggling every day for shuttle at pansheke and later in future u expect someone to tell he's far more smarter me.. My bro Dat shows am not reppin ojere @all

2)Entrepreneurship education :is only in mapoly u pay for profit without selling ur allocated goods chaii ojere bad ooo... With this experience u r already trained to by pass any challenges in life

3)behaving your self among others : just imagine we are been packed together like sadine despite that you hardly see student fighting in this kind of condition we share Gist and laugh out our hunger

4) Assignment without limit

5)we r been deceive with fish pie kokobilo... U hardly see fish inside I suggest is omi eje " dat's been used to mix it up